Arizona Healthy Communities Conference: The Intersection of Health and Community Development


Wednesday, March 19, 2014


8:30 am – 5:00 pm


East Valley Institute of Technology
1601 W Main Street
Mesa, Arizona85201


Joselyn Cousins
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Arizona Healthy Communities Conference Planning Committee invite you to attend a premier training and networking event for community development practitioners, planning and health professionals, affordable housing developers, nonprofits, government and elected officials from all regions of Arizona.

At the conference, participants will discover how to:

  • Develop healthy communities through policy
  • Connect built environments and healthy living
  • Integrate health and housing 
  • Innovate with community development and healthcare

We’ll end our workshop with identified next steps for those who want to translate our collective assets and resources into a healthier Arizona.