
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

10:15 am Opening Remarks & Introductions
10:30 am Overview of Age-Friendly Banking

Multiple factors are contributing to the financial vulnerability of older adults, one fastest growing segment of the population. This opening framing will shed light on the specific hardships faced by low-income older adults, and outline a core set of principles to address these issues.

Bob Zdenek
National Community Reinvestment Coalition

Clare Smith
Elder Financial Protection Network

Download presentation (Zdenek) (pdf, 223 kb)
Download presentation (Smith) (pdf, 241 kb)

10:45 am Research Presentation: Adopting Age-Friendly Banking to Improve Financial Well-Being for Older Adults

Presentation on the findings of an intensive study of over 400 low-income tenants living in subsidized senior housing that form the basis for several recommendations about what financial institutions, senior serving organizations and others can do to improve the financial well-being of older adults.

Maya Abood & Monica Palmeira
California Coalition for Rural Housing

View working paper
Download presentation (Abood & Palmeira) (pdf, 727 kb)

11:30 am Examples of Age-Friendly Banking in Practice

We will hear from financial institutions and community partners that have come together to provide programs, products and services to serve low-income older adults.

Melissa Stoller
Bank of the West

Spike Keil
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Agnes Ubalde
Wells Fargo Community Relations

Download presentation (Stoller) (pdf, 389 kb)
Download presentation (Ubalde) (pdf, 161 kb)

12:15 am Lunch Break
12:45 pm Roundtable Discussion

How is your organization already responding to this issue and what else can you be doing? How can partnerships enhance your current engagement with seniors? What are some of the practices and products that most effectively meet the needs of older adults? What challenges have you encountered in working with this population? These and other questions will allow everyone to contribute and to identify solutions and ideas that go beyond what has already been presented.

Lena Robinson
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Spike Keil
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

1:30 pm Closing Remarks and Call to Action

This segment will explore what it will take to implement the recommendations and ideas discussed so that they can be scaled to benefit this fast growing population, while also being tailored to the needs of diverse populations.

2:00 pm Adjourn