
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

8:30 am Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 am Welcome and Introductions

Melody Winter Head, Regional Manager, Community Development
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Mary Salinas Durón, Senior Community Affairs Specialist
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Roy Durnal, Community Affairs Specialist
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

9:15 am The Changing Face of Economic Development in Los Angeles

Jan Perry, General Manager
City of L.A. Economic and Workforce Development Department

Economic Development Investment Opportunities: Present and Future

Cecile Chalifour, Director, California Region
Low Income Investment Fund

Robin Hughes, President
Abode Communities

10:30 am Break
10:45 am New Research Guide for Performance Context: Tools to Assess Community Needs in Your Markets

Will Dowling, Research Associate
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

11:05 am Bankers Sharing Session: Managing community relationships for maximum impact
11:50 am Banker Tables: Report Out
12:15 pm Upcoming announcements and Closing Comments
12:30 pm Adjourn