Transforming Community Development through Arts and Culture


Wednesday, November 13, 2019


3:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.


Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
701 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA

Man painting the word Love over the word Displacement, which is crossed out
Photo credit: Rudy Espinoza

Join us on Nov.13th in San Francisco to explore an evolving era in community development that infuses art and cultural practice to help residents reclaim community identity, strengthen cultural resilience, and build power to shape neighborhood planning and creative placemaking.

Hosted by the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the event will highlight stories and ideas from “Transforming Community Development through Arts and Culture,” a forthcoming issue of the Community Development Innovation Review from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, PolicyLink, and ArtPlace America.

Come be inspired! Learn how artists are working with communities and community development organizations to tackle some of the most pressing and complex issues of our time, including gentrification and displacement, racial health inequities, climate insecurity, the isolation of immigrant newcomers, and historical trauma.

A reception will follow the event. Free copies of the journal will be available for all attendees.