Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Tracy Choi
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
The State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI), funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, allocated $69 million to expand access to credit for small businesses in Utah.
The Utah Small Business Credit Initiative (USBCI) will help expand capital for small businesses emerging from the pandemic, create high-paying jobs, and build ecosystems of opportunity and entrepreneurship. USBCI will also target 29% of program funds to businesses owned by women and culturally, economically, and geographically diverse entrepreneurs.
Please join us in mid-May for presentations, a roundtable discussion, and a networking lunch to learn about how to best utilize USBCI programs, the changing demographic and lending landscape in Utah, and how the lending community can help address barriers to accessing capital, especially in underserved communities.
In-person seats are limited, and a waitlist is available. Attendees also have the option to join virtually.
Please note: this forum is designed for lenders. Small business owners can access resources for small businesses on Utah.gov’s USBCI web page.