Friday, December 1, 2017
Federal Reserve Bank of San FranciscoJanet Yellen Conference Center, First Floor
101 Market Street
San Francisco94105
Welcoming Remarks:
Mary Daly, Executive Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
1st Session Chair: Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Worker Mobility and the Diffusion of Knowledge
Kyle Herkenhoff, University of Minnesota
Jeremy Lise, University of Minnesota
Guido Menzio, University of Pennsylvania
Gordon Phillips, Dartmouth College
Discussant: Diego Comin, Dartmouth College
The Great Micro Moderation
Nicholas Bloom, Stanford University
Fatih Guvenen, University of Minnesota
Luigi Pistaferri, Stanford University
John Sabelhaus, Federal Reserve Board
Sergio Salgado, University of Minnesota
Jae Song, Social Security Administration
Discussant: David Card, University of California – Berkeley
2nd Session Chair: Régis Barnichon, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Aggregate Effects of Minimum Wage Regulation at the Zero Lower Bound
Andrew Glover, University of Texas – Austin
Discussant: Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago
3rd Session Chair: Marianna Kudlyak, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
High Wage Workers Work for High Wage Firms
Katarina Borovickova, New York University
Robert Shimer, University of Chicago
Discussant: Rasmus Lentz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Rising Inequality and Trends in Leisure
Timo Boppart, IIES Stockholm University
L. Rachel Ngai, London School of Economics
Discussant: Valerie Ramey, UC San Diego
4th Session Chair: Régis Barnichon, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Investment Opportunities and Economic Mobility: Who Benefits From College and the Stock Market?
Kartik Athreya, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Felicia Ionescu, Federal Reserve Board
Urvi Neelakantan, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Ivan Vidangos, Federal Reserve Board
Discussant: Luigi Pistaferri, Stanford University
Conference Organizers:
Mary Daly
Rob Valletta
Régis Barnichon
Marianna Kudlyak
Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau