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Leila Bengali
Regional Policy Economist
Macro Analysis and Economic Geography
Applied micro, Regional analysis, Consumer decisionmaking
Working Papers
Explaining Stagnation in the College Wage Premium
2025-01 | with Valletta and Zhao | January 2025
After growing substantially during the 1980s through the early 2000s, the college wage premium more recently has been largely unchanged, or stagnant. We extend the canonical production-function model of skill premiums to assess supply and demand contributions to the slowdown in college wage premium, using annual CPS ASEC data from the early 1960s through 2023. To account for the rising importance of women in the college educated workforce, we estimate a hybrid model that incorporates components that are disaggregated by age and gender. We also allow for non-linearities and changes over time in the parameters of the aggregate production function. Our results suggest that the recent stagnation of the college wage premium primarily reflects demand factors, specifically a slowdown in the pace of skill biased technological change.
wp2025-01_appendix.pdf – Supplemental Appendix
Published Articles (Refereed Journals and Volumes)
Bringing “Behavioral” Fully into Behavioral Public Administration
Journal of Behavioral Public Administration 6(1), 2023, 1-8 | with Banko-Ferran and Bhanot
Behavioral economics is an increasingly influential field across the social sciences, including public administration. But while some behavioral economics ideas have spread rapidly in public administration research, we argue that a broader range of behavioral economics concepts can and should be applied. We begin by outlining some central models and concepts from behavioral economics to fix ideas, including the rational model and the “behavioral” response. We then discuss how a variety of heretofore underutilized behavioral economics concepts can be applied to a specific area of work in public administration – bureaucratic decision making. Our aim in doing so is two-fold. First, we hope to provide fresh food for thought for researchers and practitioners working in the broader behavioral public administration space. Second, we hope to demonstrate that there is substantial scope for expanding behavioral economics’ influence on public administration research.
Assessing Evidence for Inattention to the Costs of Homeownership
Journal of Housing Economics 58(part B), 2022
Many goods and services have accompanying costs that are not salient at the moment of purchase. Existing research suggests that consumers are inattentive to such costs when making small purchases. There is less evidence about attention to costs associated with large purchases. This paper examines residential real estate transactions and studies the extent to which sale prices adjust to ownership costs. The results are inconclusive, neither ruling out full price adjustment nor lack of price adjustment. Despite the inconclusive result, the inability to decisively rule out incomplete price adjustment to predictable ownership costs (which is suggestive of inattention) is noteworthy, given the high financial stakes of buying a home.
The Economic Status of People with Disabilities and their Families since the Great Recession
In The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 695(1), ed. by J. Romich, T. Smeeding, and M.Strain | Russell Sage Foundation , 2021. 123-142 | with Daly, Lofton, and Valletta
People with disabilities face substantial barriers to sustained employment and stable, adequate income. We assess how they and their families fared during the long economic expansion that followed the Great Recession of 2007-09, using data from the monthly Current Population Survey (CPS) and the March CPS annual income supplement. We find that the expansion bolstered the well-being of people with disabilities and in particular their relative labor market engagement. We also find that applications and awards for federal disability benefits fell during the expansion. On balance, our results suggest that sustained economic growth can bolster the labor market engagement of people with disabilities and potentially reduce their reliance on disability benefits.
wp2021-05_appendix.pdf – Supplemental appendix
Cyclical and Market Determinants of Involuntary Part-Time Employment
Journal of Labor Economics 38(1), January 2020, 67-93 | with Valletta and van der List
The fraction of the U.S. workforce identified as involuntary part-time workers rose to new highs during the U.S. Great Recession and came down only slowly in its aftermath. We assess the determinants of involuntary part-time work using an empirical framework that accounts for business cycle effects and persistent structural features of the labor market. We conduct regression analyses using state-level panel data for the years 2003-16. The results indicate that structural factors, notably shifts in the industry composition of employment, have held the incidence of involuntary part-time work slightly more than 1 percentage point above its prerecession level.
FRBSF Publications
Regional Data Page Shows How Economy Varies Across the U.S.
SF Fed Blog | Feb 2025 | with Duzhak
Wildfires and Real Estate Values in California
Economic Letter 2024-22 | August 26, 2024 | with Nechio and Stewart
How Quickly Do Prices Respond to Monetary Policy?
Economic Letter 2024-10 | April 8, 2024 | with Arnaut
How Do Periods of Inflation, Recession Affect Real Earnings?
Economic Letter 2024-09 | April 1, 2024 | with Duzhak
Men’s Falling Labor Force Participation across Generations
Economic Letter 2023-26 | October 10, 2023 | with Duzhak and Zhao
Falling College Wage Premiums by Race and Ethnicity
Economic Letter 2023-22 | August 28, 2023 | with Sander, Valletta, and Zhao
Comparing Measures of Housing Inflation
Economic Letter 2022-29 | October 17, 2022
The Wage Growth Gap for Recent College Grads
Economic Letter 2014-22 | July 21, 2014 | with Hobijn
Is It Still Worth Going to College?
Economic Letter 2014-13 | May 5, 2014 | with Daly
What’s Behind the Increase in Part-Time Work?
Economic Letter 2013-24 | August 26, 2013 | with Valletta
Will Labor Force Participation Bounce Back?
Economic Letter 2013-14 | May 13, 2013 | with Daly and Valletta
U.S. Economic Mobility: The Dream and the Data
Economic Letter 2013-06 | March 4, 2013 | with Daly