Presentation by Alexander Kinmont


Thursday, May 9, 2013

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About Alexander Kinmont: Alexander Kinmont is currently the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Milestone Asset Management Co. He began his career at Dai-Ichi Securities in 1985. Subsequently, he worked for Credit Lyonnais (now CLSA) in 1988 as an analyst covering real estate and related sectors (railways, housing, etc.) before joining Morgan Stanley. In 1993, he became Morgan Stanley`s Japan Investment Strategist. Between 2005 and 2009, he managed funds investing in Japanese real estate and real estate securities at Prospect Asset Management and Babcock & Brown. In November 2008, he became a non-executive director of Milestone Asset Management, and in March 2009, he re-joined Morgan Stanley, as Chief Japan Strategist. He retired from Morgan Stanley in July 2011 and became CEO of Milestone in August 2011. Mr. Kinmont is widely quoted in the Japanese and foreign media. He graduated from Oxford University with an MA in Litterae Humaniores (Greek and Latin Literature & Ancient History) in 1985.