Applications and Membership

The primary function of the Formations + Transactions Unit is to act upon and make recommendations on applications and notifications filed by state member banks, bank and financial holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and international organizations subject to Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco supervision.

Board of Governors Applications Data

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System publishes regular updates on applications activity in the Federal Reserve System.

Federal Reserve System Applications Resources

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System provides resources to assist institutions filing applications with the Federal Reserve System.

  • Applications Forms 
  • E-APPS
    E-Apps is a web-based application that allows banking organizations supervised by the Federal Reserve System to submit applications online, either directly or through their authorized representatives.
  • Banking Market Information
    Banking market definitions are used in connection with applications to evaluate effects on competition in local banking markets. 
    CASSIDI is a Federal Reserve System tool for performing competitive analysis. CASSIDI contains information for the entire country and is updated regularly. Through CASSIDI, users can search for and view banking market definitions, find banking market concentrations, and perform pro forma HHI analysis on banking market structures. CASSIDI also offers an array of mapping options.
  • Competitive Effects FAQs
    Information about how the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division conduct their statutory responsibilities to evaluate the competitive effects of mergers, acquisitions, and other transactions when determining whether to approve these applications.

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Applications Resources

The Reserve Bank provides resources to assist Twelfth District institutions filing applications with the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Formations + Transactions Contacts

Nirali Deringer
Senior Analyst
(415) 977-3845 or
(800) 227-4133

Tania Luhde
Senior Analyst
(415) 974-3229 or
(800) 227-4133

Contact for scheduling meetings, obtaining forms, and general information

Muriel Maxwell
Project Analyst
(415) 974-3010

Mailing address for applications, notifications, and other general correspondence

Joseph Cuenco
Assistant Vice President
Formations + Transactions
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
101 Market Street I 10th Floor
San Francisco, California 94105