Recent Journal Articles

Published articles by staff economists


Inflation Expectations and Risk Premia in Emerging Bond Markets: Evidence from Mexico

Published in Journal of International Economics 151, September 2024 | Beauregard, Christensen, Fischer and Zhu

UI Generosity and Job Acceptance: Effects of the 2020 CARES Act

Forthcoming in Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics | Petrosky-Nadeau and Valletta

Decomposing Supply and Demand Driven Inflation

Forthcoming in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking | Shapiro


Published in Journal of Financial Economics March 2024 | Faria-e-Castro, Paul, and Sanchez

A Denial a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Published in Quarterly Journal of Economics 139, February 2024, 187-233 | Dunn, Gottlieb, Shapiro, Sonnenstuhl, and Tebaldi

International Input-Output Linkages and Changing Business Cycle Volatility

Published in Journal of International Economics 147(103869), January 2024 | Nguyen and Miyamoto

Challenges to Disinflation: The Brazilian Experience

Published in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, January 2024, 217-241 | Nechio and Carvalho


Pricing Poseidon: Extreme Weather Uncertainty and Firm Return Dynamics

Forthcoming in Journal of Finance | Roth Tran


Forthcoming in Journal of Financial Economics | Faria-e-Castro, Paul and Sanchez

Inflation Expectations and Risk Premia in Emerging Bond Markets: Evidence from Mexico

Forthcoming in Journal of International Economics | Beauregard, Christensen, Fischer and Zhu


Teachers’ Knowledge and Attitudes about the Fed

Forthcoming in Journal of Economics and Finance Education | Duzhak, Hoff and Lopus

Bank Capital before and after Financial Crises

In Ch. 5 in Leveraged: The New Economics of Debt and Financial Fragility, ed. by Moritz Schularick | Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2022 | Jorda, Richter, Schularick and Taylor

The Labour Market in Ukraine: Rebuild Better

In Chapter 10 in Rebuilding Ukraine: Principles and Policies, ed. by Gorodnichenko, Yuriy, Ilona Sologoub, and Beatrice Weder di Mauro | CEPR Press, London, 2022 | Kudlyak, Boeri, Anastasia and Zholud


Unemployment Crises

Journal of Monetary Economics 117, January 2021, 335-353 | Petrosky-Nadeau and Zhang


Monetary Strategies in Practice

In Chapter 10 in Strategies for Monetary Policy: A Policy Conference, ed. by J. Cochrane and J. Taylor | Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, April 2020. 323-333 | Daly

Inflation Globally

In Chapter 7, Changing Inflation Dynamics, Evolving Monetary Policy (Volume 27), ed. by G. Castex, J. Gali and D. Saravia | Santiago: Central Bank of Chile, 2020. 269-316 | Jorda and Nechio



Endogenous Disasters

American Economc Review 108(8), August 2018, 2212-2245 | Petrosky-Nadeau, Zhang and Kuehn

The Outlook for U.S. Labor Quality

In Education, Skills, and Technical Change: Implications for Economic Growth, NBER Studies in Income and Wealth, ed. by C. Hulten and V. Ramey | NBER/University of Chicago Press, 2018 | Bosler, Daly, Fernald and Hobijn



Shopping Time

Economics Letters 143, June 2016, 52-60 | Petrosky-Nadeau, Wasmer and Zeng


Leveraged Bubbles

Journal of Monetary Economics 76, December 2015, S1-S20 | Jorda, Schularick and Taylor

Betting the House

Journal of International Economics 96(S1), July 2015, S2-S18 | Jorda, Schularick and Taylor