The Economic Research Department conducts research on a wide range of topics in support of the Federal Reserve’s policy and public outreach functions.

Research is widely disseminated, including in leading peer-reviewed scholarly journals. The department has an active visiting scholar program, collaborates with global research groups, and hosts the Center for Pacific Basin Studies.

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Academic research by SF Fed economists and affiliates intended for publication in scholarly journals

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Work by SF Fed staff economists published in academic journals

An interactive tool that allows easy access to labor market and inflation data

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Economic research

Center for Monetary Research

Economic research

Center for Pacific Basin Studies

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SF FedViews
Mark M. Spiegel
SF Fed Blog
Adam Shapiro, John Mondragon, Valeska Fresquet Kohan
Economic Letter
Adi Sunderam, Carolin Pflueger, Michael Bauer
SF Fed Blog
Evgeniya Duzhak, Leila Bengali
Working Papers
Antoine Bertheau, Birthe Larsen, Marianna Kudlyak, Morten Bennedsen
Working Papers
Mark M. Spiegel
Economic Letter
Brandon Miskanic, Deepika Baskar Prabhakar, Nicolas Petrosky-Nadeau, Sabrina Considine
Working Papers
Caroline Paulson, Jens H. E. Christensen, Sarah Mouabbi
Economic Letter
Adam Shapiro, Rami Najjar
Working Papers
Annalisa Ferrando, Dimitris Georgarakos, Timo Reinelt, Ursel Baumann, Yuriy Gorodnichenko