Building Faith and Nonprofit Collaboration


Thursday, May 22, 2014


8:30 a.m. – 12:00 pm


First Unitarian Church of Oakland
685 14th Street
Oakland, CA94612


Lena Robinson
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Faith based organizations already play an exciting and significant role in meeting the physical and emotional needs of economically vulnerable and socially marginalized members of America’s communities. But many factors are contributing to an expansion in these vulnerable populations resulting in greater demand for safety net and supportive services that the private and public sectors are not willing or able to meet. This growing need is on top of the long standing challenges already faced by many low-income communities where churches often have a ubiquitous presence. The best way for churches to continue to meet the growth in need is by working together and aligning resources. 

This workshop, Building Faith and Nonprofit Collaborations to Meet Community Needs, is intended for leaders from both faith based and community nonprofits who want to explore strategies and ideas for collaboration to increase the effectiveness and impact of their work.