
Friday, August 1, 2014


11:00 am – 2:15 pm

Topics Covered

Community Development Block Grants (CDBG-EDBG): This program, managed by the State of California, makes large grants of up to $1.5 million to small California cities and counties for a wide variety of projects, including economic development, small business loans, building facade grants, rehab of historic downtown buildings, essential community facilities like health clinics, food banks, and child care centers, as well as basic infrastructure like water and wastewater.

USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Program (USDA-RD): Managed by the USDA-RD office in Davis, the Community Facilities Program makes low-cost loans to rural (populations less than 20,000) cities, counties, and nonprofits for a wide variety of community facilities projects. Loan payments are amortized for 30-40 years to keep payments low. USDA also makes similar loans for water and wastewater projects.

California Infrastructure & Economic Development Bank (I-Bank): The I-Bank makes low interest loans to local governments to fund infrastructure that fosters economic development. They also have a lending program for nonprofits to finance community facilities and offer low interest loans with flexible terms.

New Markets Tax Credits (NMTCs): NMTCs are a financing option for community developers to develop facilities and create economic development opportunities in low-income communities. They can be used to leverage grants and the value of donated property to fill financing gaps.

State Revolving Loan Funds for Water & Wastewater: State agencies have low cost revolving loan programs to help disadvantaged communities provide safe drinking water and upgrade their wastewater systems.


David Wilkinson, Real Estate Consultant
Northern California Community Loan Fund

Stephaney Kipple, Real Estate Consulting Analyst
Northern California Community Loan Fund