Oregon Prosperity Agenda Stakeholder Forums – North Bend Public Library


Wednesday, October 15, 2014


1:00 pm – 4:00 pm


North Bend Public Library
1800 Sherman Ave.
North Bend, OR97459


Robert E. Lee, MPA, OPMA

As part of the Oregon Prosperity Agenda, First Lady Cylvia Hayes in collaboration with the Oregon Business Council, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and other community organizations, are co-sponsoring a series of community stakeholder forums throughout Oregon to get your input on how we can foster innovative opportunities that enable every Oregonian to meet their basic needs, strive to reach their full potential, better themselves through hard work and leave the next generation better off than the generation before.

You are cordially invited to join in this conversation to learn about current state socio-economic trends, provide feedback on policy concepts being considered by the Oregon Business Council Poverty Task Force for the upcoming 2015 legislative session and to give us your thoughts about what is both working and not working to move people from poverty to prosperity. While we would like to hold meetings in every community, we have chosen to hold a series of forums throughout the state based on economic and demographic diversity. We hope you will join us for one of our upcoming forums.