Monday, November 30, 2015
7:30 am – 4:30 pm
Hotel Captain Cook
939 West Fifth Ave
Anchorage, AK99501
Gregory M. Stuckey
USDA Rural Development
There is a tremendous need for improved housing in the rural villages of Alaska. Much of the housing is old, poorly constructed, overcrowded and expensive to heat. There are significant safety and health issues, particularly associated with mold and poor indoor air. Additional state and federal funding is not likely in the foreseeable future so alternative sources of capital are needed to address this problem.
One underutilized source of capital is mortgage financing, resulting in private homeownership. Historically, mortgage financing is not often used in villages for various reasons. Mortgages present a new opportunity for some rural families to improve their living conditions, build wealth and improve their community.
Promoting homeownership in village Alaska will take a concerted effort by federal and state agencies, lenders, regional tribal housing authorities and other tribally designated housing entities, Native non-profit organizations and others. The purpose of the forum is to bring these players together to discuss the challenges of both promoting and implementing mortgages in the villages.
Proudly presented in partnership with Alaskan Housing Finance Corporation, Alaska Association of Housing Authorities, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, US Department of Agriculture, Rasmuson Foundation, and US Department of Housing and Urban Development.