Pay for Success: Where We Are and Where We’re Going


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Louis Chicoine, Executive Director of Abode Services, Saidah Leatutufu, Economic Mobility Director for HOPE SF at the City of San Francisco, and Kavita Narayan, Deputy County Counsel for the County of Santa Clara, discuss the Santa Clara County “Welcome Home” Pay for Success project addressing the needs of the chronically homeless. Jessica LaBarbera, VP of Strategic Innovation at Nonprofit Finance Fund, moderates. (video, 54:30).


An Introduction to Outcomes and Why They Matter

Funding an Outcomes World

Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement from Success to Failure

Mind the Gap: Social Enterprise as an Outcomes-Driven Workforce Solution

Creating a Market that Values Health

Promises and Pitfalls of Prioritizing Outcomes in Foundation Strategy

Summary and Closing Comments