Thursday, April 21, 2022
SF 8:00am, NYC 11:00am, BERLIN 5:00pm
Katherine Wagner is Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Her research focuses primarily on Environmental and Energy Economics and Public Finance. She uses a range of empirical tools to study questions related to environmental externalities, climate change, and natural resources.
Before joining UC Berkeley, Katherine was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. She completed her PhD in Economics at Yale University, and also hold an MA in Economics from the University of British Columbia and a BA in Economics and Accounting from McGill University.
This seminar is part of the Virtual Seminar on Climate Economics series hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and is open to everyone interested in research on the economics of climate change.
Download the paper (pdf, 3.21 mb)