Janet L. Yellen’s Speeches

Speeches by former President Janet L. Yellen.

  • Prospects for the Economy

    Thank you very much for inviting me to join you today. It’s a real pleasure to be part of this outstanding event exploring the future of the Bay Area and of California. Now that Lenny has given you a look at the economic profile of the Bay Area, I’m going to take on a bigger […]

  • Welcoming Remarks

    Good morning. I’m Janet Yellen, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. On behalf of the San Francisco Fed and our co-hosts, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Office of Thrift Supervision, I’m delighted to welcome you to Las Vegas and to […]

  • The U.S Economy in 2006

    Greetings, and many thanks for inviting me to join you today—or, perhaps I should say “tomorrow,” since it’s only Wednesday, March 15, for me. In my remarks, I will focus on the U.S. economy, and I’ll organize my comments around three broad topics. The first is employment and output growth. The second is inflation. My […]

  • Enhancing Fed Credibility

    Good afternoon. It’s always a pleasure to speak to the members of NABE, and I very much appreciate the invitation to participate in this year’s Economic Policy Conference. My remarks today will focus on the issue of credibility—in particular on the Federal Reserve’s credibility regarding its announced commitment to maintaining price stability. I will discuss […]

  • 2006: A Year of Transition at the Federal Reserve

    Good afternoon, everyone, and thanks for inviting me to speak to you today. I’m going to keep my prepared remarks brief, so that we’ll have plenty of time for your questions and comments. As you know, 2006 is a year of significant transition for the Federal Reserve. At the end of this month, Alan Greenspan […]

  • The U.S Economy: 2005 in Review and Prospects for 2006

    Good morning, and thanks very much for inviting me today. I’m delighted to be here with you. As 2005 draws to a close, it’s a good time to take a look back at the year that has passed and to think about what may lie ahead for the U.S. economy in 2006. In taking this […]

  • Housing Bubbles and Monetary Policy

    Tonight I would like to focus on how the Fed, or central banks, more generally, should respond to asset price bubbles. This is one of the few policy issues where the Fed’s approach has come in for real criticism. I thought it might be of interest to this audience since, one way or another, it […]

  • Update on the U.S. Economy

    Good afternoon. It’s a pleasure to be here in Salt Lake City with you today. I’m delighted to have the opportunity to outline my thoughts on the U.S. economy and on monetary policy. I hope you’ll have some comments and questions for me afterward. As President of the Federal Reserve Bank serving Utah and eight […]

  • The U.S. Economy and Monetary Policy

    It’s a pleasure and an honor to speak to you today, and I thank you for the kind invitation. Indeed, I’m always eager to accept invitations to speak in London, because it was my home many years ago, when I was on the faculty of the London School of Economics. I came to know and […]

  • Views on the Economy and Implications for Monetary Policy

    It’s a pleasure to be here with you in San Diego. My remarks today will focus on the nation’s economy and the implications for monetary policy. As I was preparing for this event a few weeks ago, I originally had in mind a fairly upbeat talk about an economy that was in reasonably good shape. […]