Community Development & District Engagement
Affordable Housing Funds Build on Experience
With the recent launch of two $500 million funds to support below-market housing, increasing attention is being focused on other funds for supporting production and preservation of affordable housing. But loan funds aren’t new, and there’s a lot we can learn from existing funds.
Understanding the Financing Needs of Small Businesses in California
The Small Business Credit Survey (SBCS) asks small business owners to detail their current business climate, financial needs and recent credit experiences. A new report from the SF Fed summarizes data at the state level for small businesses in California.
Housing Stability and Family Health: Five Things to Know
A robust and growing body of literature points to the importance of pregnancy and early childhood as time periods that influence health, development, and long-term life chances. Less attention, however, has been paid to how housing instability during pregnancy and early childhood affects a person’s health over the long-term.
New Data on Small Business Recovery after Natural Disasters
In 2017, natural disasters caused $306.2 billion of damage nationally. Yet little is known about the impacts of natural disasters on small businesses, which are a critical engine of the American economy and are responsible for creating two out of three new private-sector jobs. A new report fills this gap by examining data from the latest round of the Federal Reserve System’s Small Business Credit Survey and provides insight on the impact of natural disasters on small businesses and their related needs.
A Job Is Not Enough
It’s becoming increasingly clear that, when it comes to financial stability, simply having a job is not enough.
Scale Finance: Filling the 95-Percent-Empty Glass
Guest author Steven Goldberg discusses expanding certified evidence-based programs through “Scale Finance,” an enhanced Social Impact Bond model.
Overcoming Homeownership Challenges in Rural America: Lessons from Alaska
With its stunning landscape and rich culture, Alaska is known as the “The Last Frontier.” But the real “frontier” begins outside populated areas like Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau where decent, safe, and energy-efficient housing becomes scarce.
Boosting the Power of Youth Paychecks: Integrating Financial Capability into Youth Workforce Programs
For many lower-income youth, a first paycheck represents an important opportunity to enter the financial mainstream, avoid costly predatory financial services, and establish positive financial behaviors and attitudes. The MyPath Savings program shows positive, scalable results that support low-income working youth as they bank, save, and build their financial confidence.
Economic Opportunity + a National Culture of Health: Did You Miss a Game-changer?
If you missed the speeches by Williams and Lavizzo-Mourey that closed out the National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference (NICRC) in Los Angeles, you missed a game changer.