SF Fed Blog

  • What Is the Beige Book?

    What Is the Beige Book?

    Eight times a year, two weeks before a Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, you’ll find a new Beige Book linked from our website and social media accounts. What is it? What’s in it? Here’s what you need to know.

  • Asia Prepares for New Bail-in Bonds

    Asia Prepares for New Bail-in Bonds

    A decade removed from the global financial crisis, the world’s most systemically important banks are preparing to meet new rules on total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC) by 2019. New TLAC-eligible debt securities, popularly known as “bail-in” bonds, have emerged post-2008 as part of efforts to minimize the need for taxpayer bailouts in future crises. In Asia, banks in Japan and China will face tailored versions of these requirements based on the unique features of each country’s banking system. Below, we examine the state of TLAC in Asia.

  • Helping Banks Brace for Hurricane Season

    Helping Banks Brace for Hurricane Season

    Hurricane season was especially busy in 2017 with six major storms on record. While we can’t predict the severity of this year’s storms, we are prepared to meet increased cash demand in recovery zones if necessary. Here’s how.

  • Why Are Foreigners Holding More Onshore Chinese Securities?

    Why Are Foreigners Holding More Onshore Chinese Securities?

    Foreign holding of onshore Chinese securities is expanding rapidly from a small base. Over the past year, overseas investment in Chinese A-share stocks has gained momentum after the MSCI decided to add Chinese A-shares to the MSCI index family. This development will enhance the already growing interconnectedness between Chinese capital markets and the rest of the world.

  • Asia’s Aging Workforce May Boost Its Markets

    Asia’s Aging Workforce May Boost Its Markets

    The demographics of aging have long been studied as a key driver of investment behavior in capital markets, as changes in life stage alter investor preferences. Asia is home to countries with a diverse range of demographic profiles, with several rapidly aging countries like Japan, Korea, and China, and younger populations in India and Indonesia. Building upon other research into the relationship between demographics and capital markets, this post considers how aging may impact the region.

  • China Bond Market: Slower Growth but Better Product and Investor Mix

    China Bond Market: Slower Growth but Better Product and Investor Mix

    Domestic bond issuance in China declined in 2017. Growth in outstanding onshore bonds and trading volume also moderated. Notwithstanding the lackluster performance, the products offered by the Chinese bond market continued to grow in sophistication. The investor base has also become more diversified as overseas investors and non-bank domestic investors play a bigger role. These developments will likely contribute to the resilience of the bond market in the long run.

  • New Data on Small Business Recovery after Natural Disasters

    In 2017, natural disasters caused $306.2 billion of damage nationally. Yet little is known about the impacts of natural disasters on small businesses, which are a critical engine of the American economy and are responsible for creating two out of three new private-sector jobs. A new report fills this gap by examining data from the latest round of the Federal Reserve System’s Small Business Credit Survey and provides insight on the impact of natural disasters on small businesses and their related needs.

  • India’s Digital Payments: Growing Consumer Trust, but Merchants Needed

    India’s Digital Payments: Growing Consumer Trust, but Merchants Needed

    More than a year after the shock of demonetization, Indian consumers continue to adopt digital payments as an alternative to cash. Though overall transaction volumes remain small relative to cash, the growth of mobile payment products indicates growing trust. Recent successes in promoting new products could also point the way to greater merchant adoption, providing insight for India and a number of other countries transitioning to new payment technologies.

  • Asian Banks Search for Yield Overseas

    Asian Banks Search for Yield Overseas

    Asian bank profitability has been squeezed in recent years, driven to some extent by intense competition among the large number of banks in the region. To boost profitability, banks from some developed Asian economies have expanded operations into Southeast Asia by setting up branches and investing in local institutions. What began as a search for yield is likely to persist because banks’ strategies to increase profits align with their governments’ initiatives in the region.

  • Regulating Initial Coin Offerings and Cryptocurrency Exchanges across Asia

    Regulating Initial Coin Offerings and Cryptocurrency Exchanges across Asia

    Asian regulators clarified their stances on initial coin offerings and cryptocurrency exchanges this past year as public interest in both has skyrocketed. Some of the same qualities that attract investors to cryptocurrencies make them susceptible to money laundering and fraud. Regulators have acted to protect investors and their financial systems in steps ranging from banning ICOs and cryptocurrency exchanges to implementing licensing requirements ensuring new currencies and products face the same scrutiny as existing ones.
