Banking market definitions are used in connection with applications to evaluate effects on competition in local banking markets.
The policy of the Economic Research Group and the Supervision + Credit Group of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco is that the banking markets relevant to any proposed banking transaction are best defined with regard to the specifics of that proposal. Accordingly, a comprehensive list of predefined banking markets in the Twelfth Federal Reserve District is not maintained. Instead, as a guide to applicants and other interested parties, the following document presents certain principles used to define banking markets in the Twelfth Federal Reserve District.
As a convenience to applicants, and as an illustration of the principles contained herein, an appendix to this document lists markets that have been used in previous cases. The definitions of these markets are for guidance and illustration only and are subject to change without notice as banking and economic conditions evolve in the relevant areas or as new information becomes available.
Banking Markets in the Twelfth Federal Reserve District – May 2019 (pdf, 199 kb)