Rural Economic and Community Development

May 1, 2007

This issue of Community Investments focuses on rural community and economic development issues, highlighting ways that practitioners and policymakers are shifting their efforts toward the development of local assets, such as building leadership and entrepreneurial capacity, and looking for innovative ways to leverage limited resources to build housing, improve infrastructure, and reduce poverty.

The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or of the Federal Reserve System. Material herein may be reprinted or abstracted provided Community Investments is credited. Please provide our Community Development Department with a copy of any publication in which material is reprinted.

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Table of Contents

CI Notebook
Introduction by Joy Hoffmann

Addressing Community and Economic Development in Rural America: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
Naomi Cytron

Si Se Puede: Developing Farmworker Housing in the 12th District
Vivian Pacheco

Lending for Rural Development Projects: Infrastructure, Community Facilities, and Affordable Housing
Robert Longman

Morphing Rural Community Development Models: The Nexus between the Past and the Future
John C. Allen

Native Community Development Financial Institutions: Building a Foundation for Strong Native Economies
Carolina Reid

Big Lessons from Small Rural Communities: Working to Reduce Poverty Long Term
Karl Stauber