Community Development Innovation Review
The Community Development Innovation Review focuses on bridging the gap between theory and practice, from as many viewpoints as possible. The goal of this journal is to promote cross-sector dialogue around a range of emerging issues and related investments that advance economic resilience and mobility for low- and moderate-income communities.
CultureBank: A Vision for a New Investment System
Deborah Cullinan, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts; Penelope Douglas, CultureBank
Arts organizations should focus on developing the conditions for new futures to emerge. As a society, we must value the essential role the artist plays as a key collaborator in community investment.
Culture and Creativity Are Fundamental to Resilient Communities
Laurel Blatchford and Nella Young, Enterprise Community Partners
Community development strategies that honor cultural identity and facilitate creative expression—often led by artists, designers, and culture bearers—can increase social cohesion and resilience.
“The Way We Work”: Integrating Arts and Culture into an Organization
Ashley Hanson, Department of Public Transformation
A rural theater artist partners with Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership and highlights the value of trusting the creative process, taking risks, and investing the necessary time.
Mimes and Road Construction: An Unlikely Partnership for Community Investment
Enzina Marrari, Kendall|Marrari
What might happen if unlikely partners came together to solve a problem and had room to experiment? MimeSpenard, a creative placemaking project that took place in Anchorage, Alaska answered these questions in black and white. With, well, a pop of red.
Creative Placemaking in Government: Past and Future
Mary Anne Carter, National Endowment for the Arts
The National Endowment for the Arts celebrates 10 years of strengthening communities across America through investments and support of creative placemaking projects.
Ibasho: A Place of Belonging1
Scott Oshima, Japanese American Cultural and Community Center
Sustainable Little Tokyo’s project ART@341FSN demonstrates the power of artists and arts-based strategies in advocating for Little Tokyo’s culture, history, and future.
Dialogue on Organizational Growth and Change
Erica Reed and Mahalia Wright, Jackson Medical Mall Foundation; Chelsea Alger and Ashley Hanson, Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership; Facilitated by Victor Rubin, PolicyLink
This conversation explores how the integration of artistic practice into community development efforts spurred personal transformation and organizational growth and change.
From Zuni Art to The Sky is the Limit!
Daryl Shack, Sr.
An artist’s journey to help center Zuni culture in the design, building, and programming of a park and community center, in the process, transformed and empowered a community to shape their future.
How Organizations Evolve When Community Development Embraces Arts and Culture
Victor Rubin, PolicyLink
The integration of arts into community development has taken root and changed the ways community development organizations strategize across culture and leadership. This article explores how internal restructuring can support the deep incorporation of arts and culture into the daily fabric of the organization.
Multiple Ways of Knowing: Translating Outcomes Between the Arts and Community Development
Jamie Hand, ArtPlace America
This article reflects on the history of research in creative placemaking and lessons learned from ArtPlace’s ongoing research strategies.