Community Development Working Papers
Working papers provide in-depth analysis of emerging community development issues from practitioners and scholars.
The Community Reinvestment Act and Small Business Lending in Low- and Moderate-Income Neighborhoods during the Financial Crisis
Elizabeth Laderman and Carolina Reid, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Over the last three years, the financial crisis and ensuing recession have led to tectonic shifts in the availability of credit, especially for small businesses. Data show that the number of loans to small businesses has dropped from 5.2 million loans in 2007 to 1.6 million in 2009. This trend is of significant concern to policy-makers, particularly given the important role that small businesses play in the US economy. Making credit accessible to small businesses, therefore, is seen as a critical component of economic recovery. Despite this policy focus, however, few studies have documented recent trends in small business lending, and even fewer have focused attention on the implications of the reduction in credit for small businesses in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. In this paper, we seek to address this gap by examining trends in small business lending in low- and moderate-income (LMI) neighborhoods by large banks regulated under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). We find that there is a strong relationship between the boom and bust housing market cycle and patterns in small business lending, both over time and over space. While small business lending expanded rapidly between 2003 and 2007, this expansion was uneven, and neither LMI communities nor neighborhoods with a high percentage of African American residents appear to have benefited as much as other areas from the boom. Since 2007, small business lending has contracted significantly, particularly in areas that have also seen contractions in the housing sector. Our results show significant spillover effects of the mortgage crisis into small business lending—for the economy as a whole as well as for LMI areas in particular. Our findings suggest that in order to reverse the cycle of disinvestment in neighborhoods hit hard by foreclosures, we need to address the small business sector as well as housing.
Enhancing New Markets Tax Credit Pipeline Flow
Kevin Leichner, Columbia University
In a new Community Development Working Paper from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, author Kevin Leichner examines New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) performance during the Great Recession and provides recommendations for maintaining deal flow to support the NMTC project pipeline and overcome financing gaps. Between 2002 and 2009, the Federal government allocated $26 billion worth of NMTC to support community development projects. Based on new data from the respondents to a Winter 2010 Center for Community Development Investments survey as well as three case studies, NMTC stakeholders are finding their NMTC portfolios are outperforming other investments. At the same time, however, their responses also indicate that the Congressional expansion of the program, with larger annual allocations, may exceed the ability of the NMTC industry to provide high-quality investor-backed projects. As a consequence, investor demand for the tax credits has been falling, resulting in lower investor pay-ins and reduced impact in low-income communities. Based on survey responses, case studies, and industry literature, the paper concludes with recommendations for strengthening the program and stimulating demand.
The Current Landscape of the California Housing Market
Laura Choi, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
California’s housing market has been severely affected by the foreclosure crisis. The state’s high foreclosure rate has also contributed to neighborhood destabilization in many communities, resulting in negative spillover effects such as price declines and increased crime and blight. In light of these rapid changes in the housing landscape, this report provides a current “snapshot” of California’s housing market in the wake of the foreclosure crisis. It presents historical trends as well as current data on foreclosures, home prices, and affordability, and also considers the state’s future housing needs. Given the state’s sheer size and dramatic regional variation, the report also digs down into conditions at the regional and county level. The study hopes to inform stakeholders from across the state and help in the development of a strategic response to the drastic changes that have taken place in California’s housing market over the past few years.
Strengthening Financial Education in California: Expanding Personal Finance Training among Youth
Justina Cross, Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley
The Effects of the Real Estate Bust on Renter Perceptions of Homeownership
J. Michael Collins, University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Laura Choi, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
After almost a decade of strong price appreciation, the housing market fell into a steep decline in 2007. By 2008, foreclosure filings on owner-occupied homes were surpassing record levels. Due to the housing downturn, fewer renters may aspire to own a home, which could have lasting implications for neighborhoods and household asset building. This study analyzes the impact of the housing downturn on renters’ intent to purchase a home, their perceptions of the risks and benefits of homeownership, and their interest in information and advice concerning homeownership.
The Untold Costs of Subprime Lending: Examining the Links among Higher-Priced Lending, Foreclosures and Race in California
Carolina Reid and Elizabeth Laderman, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Financial Education in San Francisco: A Study of Local Practioners, Service Gaps and Promising Practices
Laura Choi, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Bank Accounts and Youth Financial Knowledge: Connecting Experience and Education
Laura Choi, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Peer-to-Peer Lending and Community Development Finance
Ian Galloway, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
The Economic Crisis and Community Development Finance: An Industry Assessment
Chairman Ben Bernanke, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Mark Pinsky, Opportunity Finance Network; Nancy Andrews, Low Income Investment Fund; Paul Weech, Innovative Housing Strategies, LLC; with Ellen Seidman, New America Foundation and ShoreBank; and Rick Cohen, Nonprofit Quarterly