Search results for: “feed”

  • Has China’s Economy Become More “Standard”?

    Financial liberalization in China has broad implications, including changing how its central bank’s monetary policy affects the nation’s economy. An estimate of Chinese economic activity and inflation based on a broad set of indicators suggests that the way policy is transmitted to China’s economy has become more like Western market economies in the past decade. Although Chinese monetary policy may actually have exacerbated its economic downturn during the global financial crisis, a move toward stimulatory policy has helped ease its slower growth more recently.

  • Recent Spike in Immigration and Easing Labor Markets

    The Congressional Budget Office recently raised its demographic projections for net U.S. immigration. Most of the increase in the projections came from undocumented immigrants. Updating the CBO estimates with recent data points shows a continuing strong inflow of undocumented migrants. Analysis linking the revised estimates for this group to labor market statistics shows that immigrants joining the workforce are likely to have modestly eased labor market tightness.

  • The Rediscovery of Financial Market Imperfections

    Presentation to Columbia Business School
    New York, New York

  • Linkages between Monetary and Regulatory Policy: Lessons from the Crisis1

    Thank you. It is a great privilege to be here among such a distinguished group. I want to thank the Institute of Regulation & Risk for inviting me to speak tonight and express my particular gratitude to Ms. Au King-chi of the Hong Kong Government and Mr. Norman Chan of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. […]

  • Watch FOMC Rewind Live—Conversations Breaking Down Fed Policy Announcements

    How did the strong labor market and inflation factor into the Fed’s March 2022 decision? Research Director Sylvain Leduc breaks down the policy announcement and gives some context in our first FOMC Rewind Live video.

  • Arts for the City: Community Arts and Affordability Innovations in San Francisco

    Exploring the many public and private creative placemaking initiatives in the city of San Francisco.

  • Longview: The Economic Outlook

    Presentation to the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation
    Anchorage, Alaska

  • Longview: The Economic Outlook

    Despite the very real struggles that some parts of the country, including Alaska, are facing, the broader national economy is in good shape: We’re at full employment, and inflation is well within sight of, and on track to reach, our target. Under these conditions, it makes sense for the Fed to gradually move interest rates toward more normal levels. The following is adapted from a presentation by the president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation in Anchorage, Alaska, on August 18.

  • Monetary Policy and the Recovery

    Presentation to Boise Business and Community Leaders’ Luncheon
    Boise, Idaho

  • The U.S. Economic Situation and the Challenges for Monetary Policy1

    Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for coming. It’s always a pleasure to visit Los Angeles, where our Reserve Bank has a major branch, and I’m honored by the invitation to speak to you today. My remarks today will focus on conditions in the U.S. economy. There is a lot to cover, but I plan […]