Search results for: “feed”

  • CultureBank: A Vision for a New Investment System

    Arts organizations should focus on developing the conditions for new futures to emerge. As a society, we must value the essential role the artist plays as a key collaborator in community investment.

  • The U.S. Economic Situation and the Challenges for Monetary Policy

    This Economic Letter is adapted from speeches delivered by Janet L. Yellen, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, on September 4 and 5, 2008, to a group of community leaders in Salt Lake City, Utah, and to the Rotary Club of Los Angeles, respectively.

  • Panel discussion of William R. White “Globalisation and the Determinants of Domestic Inflation”*

    I would like to thank Governor Noyer and the Banque de France for organizing this stimulating conference on globalization, inflation and monetary policy. With strong global growth boosting oil, food and materials prices, the linkages between globalization and domestic inflation—one focus of Bill White’s interesting paper–are very much on the minds of monetary policymakers these days. […]

  • The Economy and Monetary Policy in Uncertain Times1

    Presentation to the SEMI 2013 Industry Strategy Symposium
    Half Moon Bay, California

  • Rebuild to Fail or Rebuild to Adapt: How CRA Lending Can Guide Climate Change Disaster Response

    Wildfire risk mitigation plans can be a model for promoting adaptive reconstruction after climate change-related natural disasters. This approach represents a middle ground between disaster recovery and long-term risk associated with climate change

  • Macroprudential Policy in a Microprudential World

    Events of the past decade have refocused attention on the potential contributions of monetary policy and macroprudential approaches to fostering financial stability. However, monetary policy is poorly suited for dealing with financial stability concerns. Instead, given the scarcity of explicit macroprudential tools in the United States, microprudential regulations and supervision are used to achieve macroprudential goals. The following is adapted from a presentation by the president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to the Symposium on Asian Banking and Finance in Singapore May 28.

  • Monetary Policy in Uncertain Times

    The Federal Reserve has taken bold steps this past year, both in the approaches to stimulate the economy and the way it talks about policy. The Fed’s initiatives are working, and represent the best course to move toward maximum employment and price stability. The following is adapted from a presentation by the president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to the Semiconductor Materials and Equipment International (SEMI) 2013 Industry Strategy Symposium, in Half Moon Bay, California, on January 14, 2013.

  • This Time Is Different…Because We Are

    Los Angeles World Affairs Council & Town Hall
    Los Angeles, CA

  • The Outlook for Recovery in the U.S. Economy1

    Watch Video It’s a pleasure to appear before a group of professionals who spend as much time trying to understand the financial markets and the economy as I do.  It’s fair to say that the last two or three years have provided all of us an education—a far-from-welcome one—of just how complex these subjects are.  […]

  • Prospects for the U.S. Economy in 2008

    Prospects for the U.S. Economy in 2008 Good morning, and thank you very much for inviting me to speak to you today. I was very pleased that things worked out for us to get together here at the San Francisco Fed, and I want you to know that we’re delighted to have you. I’d also […]