Tuesday, September 29, 2015 – Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Hilton Sacramento Arden West
2200 Harvard Street
Sacramento, CA95815
Lena Robinson
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Reentry of formerly incarcerated men and women into society is a continued challenge for local jurisdictions, law enforcement, and service providers. After the 2011 passage of the Public Safety Realignment Act (AB109), which seeks to reduce overcrowding in California’s 33 state prisons, nearly 11,000 low-level offenders were released. Organizations committed to improving opportunities for low-income people are now stretching to extend their services to formerly incarcerated people.
Toward its mission of improving communities, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco hosted Reentry Solutions for Success, a statewide cross-sector conference to examine reentry’s impact on vulnerable communities and highlight programs and strategies that are contributing to successful reintegration. With legislation and initiatives driving the conversation, the timely conference provided a venue for reentry stakeholders to discuss ways to implement and expand successful practices and programs. Attendees to the two day event represented 39 of California 58 counties impacted by AB109 and reported overwhelmingly that they felt the conference was a valuable experience. Below are a few of the presentations from the 12 breakout sessions provided for attendees to learn about existing and promising models for supervision, housing, counseling, and employment that draw upon evidence-based solutions.
Download Conference Program (pdf, 2.9 mb)
Conference Resources and Presentations
California Reentry Council Network
CRCN 2014-15 Directory (pdf)
Excellence in Reentry : Models that Reduce Recidivism (Tuesday, 9/29)
Effective Programs to Reduce Recidivism (pdf)
Getting to Yes With Private Sector Employers (Wednesday, 9/30)
Getting to Yes with Private Sector Employers (pdf)
Navigating Legal and Financial Barriers Post Release (Wednesday 9/30)
Roadmap to Reentry: A California Legal Guide
One Strike and You’re Out: How We Can Eliminate Barriers to Economic Security and Mobility for People with Criminal Records (pdf)
A Closer Look At Reducing Non-Sentenced Populations (Wednesday, 9/30)
Californians For Safety & Justice Pre-Trial Toolkit (pdf)
Pretrial Detention and Jail Capacity in California (pdf)
Additional resources
RAND Education and Incarceration (pdf)
RAND Public Health Implications of Reentry (pdf)
Meeting the Needs of Women in California’s County Justice System (pdf)